Sunday, June 6, 2010

Funny Things in Ithica

Some funny things in Ithica

1. When talking to a guy from Minnesota and his description of women there: "Good for keeping you warm in the winter and providing shade in the summer" - awesome
2. Americans like to make fun of Canadians. For example, do we have TV? Do we have electricity? When asked do we have girls and my cool friend answers "Yes, we have three. And they are very tired."
3. There is one guy on my trip that picks up a walking stick wherever we stop... I call him Gandalf. He is very wise.

4. My cool friend has been teaching me how to smile in pictures. I have noticed that girls can hold a picture smile for a very long time. My hypothesis is that its a faked trait that is learned from a very early age. My cool friend and I can't do this so we've devised a techniques for smiling in pictures. Here are some examples showing the new technique.

It's really is quite nice here and the outcrops we are visiting are mostly in national parks. I don't think the pictures do it justice, but its just a taste of what I'm getting to see.


  1. gandalf lol. the grey or white?

    When you off to SA?

  2. Looks gorgeous there - I'm jealous. Note: some of your "practice smiles" are not really smiles at all... were you practicing "cold steel"?

  3. I'm thinking Gandolf is in mid-transformation to Gandolf the White...

    Looks like you are having so much fun with your cool friend, new BFF perhaps!?

  4. Screw the outcrops! See any fly fishermen?

  5. there are a lot of fish and some guys here are total fly fisherman, for sure
